Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Date Conversation Starters - For Men

First Date Conversation Starters - For Men

Jump Starter

In this article, I'm going to share a few first date conversation starters that will make all your first dates fun, interesting, and far from boring.

Most guys have absolutely no clue what to do or say on a first date, and who can blame them? Most guys have never read these tips!

The number one thing you need to remember is that a first date is NOT a "try out", where you're trying to prove yourself to a woman. Far from it.

That means you should NEVER bring up boring topics like your family, your work, or where you grew up...unless she asks.

(By the way, if she does, you should answer that your family is in the traveling circus business, you flip burgers for a living, and you grew up in a small town in the middle of Antarctic called "Ice", just to keep it fun.)

I feel like I should repeat this. You should NOT look at a first date as an opportunity to impress a girl, because chances are she's already been on enough boring first dates with guys that bragged for 2 hours about their great job and close relationship with their mother. Guess where they ended up at the end of the night?

The key to a great first date is to relax, act comfortable, and just treat her like an old friend.

Bring up current events for first date conversation starters (entertainment is best, try to stay away from religion and politics). Ask her if she thinks Tom Cruise was sent from another planet full of couch jumping midgets.

Talk about the things going on around you. If you know the area you're in, tell her about the history of it. If there's another couple around who are clearly on their first date, try to guess what they're talking about (and make fun of the things I mentioned above). If you're at a restaurant, ask her which couple in the room she thinks is the oddest match, just for fun.

Talk about what's INTERESTING about you. Do you like to travel? Where is the coolest place you've ever been and why? Where the coolest place she's ever been?

Ask her what she would do if she had all the money in the world for 24 hours. Where would she go? Who would she bring? What would she do?

See how these things are so much more interesting than what she does for work or where she grew up? These kind of topics are great for first date conversation starters because they open up all kinds of things you can talk about, and before you know it, you'll both be having a great time and getting to know each other, instead of learning how many brothers and sisters you each have.

If you frame these first date conversation starters properly, and ask her interesting questions about herself, she'll have a great time no matter where you go or what you do, and chances are she'll be knocking down your door for a second one. So write these first date conversation starters down and enjoy!

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