Saturday, September 3, 2011

Move coach must be weighed against the Handicap competition

Move coach must be weighed against the Handicap competition

Jump Starter

We have every type of information that most of the past performance, then you provide in connection with the carriage moves seen. You can say something like: ".... Dropping in class 28 3.80% ROI. " In other words, if the trainer has his horse in the class to win at a clip of 28% and a positive return on investment of $ 3.80. Wonderful, is an instant-bet and all you have to do is to go wait in line, in preparation to pay, right? Wrong.

Only horse to win the pot betsPositive ROI for the last performance of suppliers is a one way ticket to the poor farm. How can that be? Because this is history and once the information punters this type of statistics they jump like fleas on a horse to see on a dog. You bet, the horse is below the fair value will likely lose a bet.

In other words, if the cat out of the bag, it is virtually impossible to make a profit from a good coach movements. So, what is the alternative? As would be niceIt moves a coach? How about moving with coaches who have a low percentage win and a bad return on investment? Is that crazy talk? I smelled the "white out" again? No to all of the above.

There are times when you should bet on a horse, even if the coach goes to show that there would be a negative number. Let's face it, if all you had to do to make money betting on horses has been read the statistics coach lines at the bottom of a horse, we'd all be rich. Handicap horse racing is not thatsimple. Most of the time you earn money, against the ground, it goes against conventional wisdom, and do things that seem wrong.

If you see that a coach has only 5% of the time with her first time starters and won for the first time starters in the race, you should take the horse out of the calculations? Absolutely not. If nothing else, the people who will read and throw away. If you do not want to beat them. How can you beat? With the road less traveledtraveled. The horse can also be a good bet after all.

It depends on how good the other horses. There is a great horse in the race? If not, then why not take a shot at a real high flyer. Total is where the money and go against the crowd, how to find them. The 5% is not very impressive, but ask yourself this, the coach first win with an appetizer? The answer is yes, you can and it showed.

Then look at the odds and ask yourself if it's worthenough to give it a chance. You can not win so often, but when you do it is to pay very well. The only way you'll ever make a profit from betting on horses from the crowd against you and to avoid the coach is in motion, the presumed winner.

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