Sunday, August 7, 2011

Female Fitness Model Training Institute Part 2 of the program - Training Exercises

Female Fitness Model Training Institute Part 2 of the program - Training Exercises

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The Fitness Model Female Body Part 1, we discussed three of the most important nutritional considerations always that slim body sexy. Now there will be training in the specifics of how we, as a fitness model to arrive. Here are the three most important elements of a program of fitness training model:

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training): We all know that cardio is essential to a lean sexy all year round, what he should do a fitness model. But not onlyCardio will not produce the slim, but athletic and curvy. To achieve this, you need a certain type of cardio to preserve lean muscle tissue, so that your thighs are toned, defined abs, glutes, and firm, keeping the body fat is to keep to a minimum. Here HIIT far superior to traditional heart is stopped. Steady-state heart burn calories while you do it, but HIIT creates a "Afterburner", where they continue to burn calories in order to have an increaseVote for several hours after exercise. This HIIT, just choose an exercise (jumping rope, sprints, squat jumps, etc.) that heart rate increased to near maximum and can (after warm slowly) that lead to 80% -100% of maximum effort for 60 seconds. The rest (but still moving) for 30 seconds. Repeat for a total of 15 minutes. It is a relationship 2:1 / rest, which is a good start. If you're a great photo-shoot at the door, you need to delete some weight fast, try 3:1 3-4times a week for about 2 weeks before the shooting.

Progressive Resistance Training: The key word here is progressive. Need for hours and hours every week to increase? No, unless you just want to constantly sore muslces mediocre results. You need to work on increasing the weight at some point in order to get the body hard and athletic? Unless you're one of the lucky few who are born with it, is, yes, yes. The key is knowing which exercises stress and muscle groups.For a female fitness model, you should put on a leg exercises for the lower half of the body, such as split squats with your back foot on a bench behind him, lunge variations, step-up variations, deadlifts, squats a leg and one-legged Romanian focus. In contrast to double-leg exercises, with an emphasis is placed on the legs, promotes the use of individual training gluteal muscles of the legs, which help firm and shapely, football fitness model. For a fitness model sexy and athleticUpper body, focusing on movements like lat pull down, negative pullups, presses on the head, triceps extensions and biceps curl exercises based overload. Rowing exercises are important for the consumer, but should be minimized because they promote a thickening of the upper body.

By extension exercises of the trunk: Ok if you extend the upper body, depends on whether the upper body is not present or in a shortened position. If you're like many women fitness models, and they didThere are hundreds of variants of the crisis is a good chance they are. This is because the decline crunches favor of the spine, which is something most people know from the start the day too. In the long, lean fitness model body, you want to settle on the train abs exercises neutral in its extended position with the spine (straight or slightly curved) concentrated. Examples include the table, the stability ball to roll out the wheel rollouts, barbell rollouts,hanging knee raises with a lower range, lower legs and Russian twists.

These are just some of the most important changes is the model you want to do your fitness training program. Discover the latest release my e-book, as did the ass fitness model you always get! For immediate access, go to

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